
Orthodontic Photography for Motivational Support

by Amodeo Alessio

In modern clinical activity, dental photography must be considered as a real work tool, and like any work tool, photography also requires the acquisition of solid theoretical foundations, dedicated and adequate equipment and requires a learning curve that allows us to use it with simplicity in everyday life. Within the daily clinical activity, photography can become an indispensable tool to improve communication within the team, allowing us to share our case with those who are not currently in the office or to have documented the evolution over time of our treatments. Photography is a powerful means of communication also with the patient as it allows us to make him participate by letting him see what we see. In this way, dental photography becomes an excellent tool capable of breaking through more than words to increase awareness and compliance of our patients. Inserting photographic documentation as a daily work tool is a way to improve the quality of your work, speed up decision-making processes within the team, and offer our patients a service in step with the times.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to document with photo a clinical case
After this lecture, you will be able to motivate the patient through the use of photographs
After this lecture, you will be able to critically analyze the clinical case